Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Meeting #1 (of many to come)

Yesterday I had a meeting with someone regarding a Partnership Program that is available to Emilee. I'm still slightly confused as to what exactly the program is all about but here is what I got from the meeting...

1. This lady will work with Hubby and I (Yondalla..I agree...I should come up with a name for Hubby...Hubby just doesn't fit ...ok I'm getting off track here) to make sure we are aware of all services available to Emilee.

2. We will have round table type meetings with the "team" on a regular basis to discuss what is and isn't working for Emilee. ***"team" being SW, Adoption worker, us, her, therapists, etc.

The first thing she recommends is another evaluation by a different psychiatrist. Since Emilee was diagnosed with PTSD, ODD, RAD, ADHD, Mood disorder, and others...and then the hospital comes back with nothing...we think it is best to get a 3rd opinion. I agree. She is setting that appt up and we'll go from there.

I was told by the sw that she would/could help with transporting to some appts but that doesn't seem to be the case. So now we're back to square one wondering how to get this child to appts 30-60 miles from her school during the day and back to school when I work 30 miles from her school. Minimum - 3 hrs away from work (and that's banking on the fact that we get in on time and out on time) for me to go get her, come back to town for appt, then back to school, them me back to work. UGH. Plus...gas is VERY expensive right now. We'll see what happens.

I'm off now to an IEP meeting for JP at his school. I'm really curious how the last 2 days have gone for him as he's been HORRIBLE to deal with at home.


Julie said...

Goodness- you sure have your hands full! that is a lot of diagnosis for a little girl. I hope they come up with a simplier plan for her.

Mary said...

Are there any faith communities that could help with some of the transportation issues? I know it's a stretch, considering how therapists usually want parents in attendance, but there's nothing wrong with sending along a notebook detailing behaviors, concerns, progress, etc., in order to keep your job!

Angel The Alien said...

Can they get Emily a therapeutic mentor? I used to work as one... a therapeutic mentor (or by any other name, whatever...) takes the child out in the community for a few hours a week (or even up to 20 hours a week!) and work on goals like behavior, social skills, talking anout feelings, etc.

Happy said...

What kind of name? You know I call my husband is Sweetness to the blog world. My friend IRL life uses Darling and my other one uses Rock Star.