Thursday, January 10, 2008

This was an email that I was in my inbox when I got to work today. It's from Emilee's teacher.

Sorry, another bad day. We were putting our things away before lunch and
she had her pencil box on the floor as she was putting things into it.
Suddenly I heard this scream come from her direction and she suddenly
stomped on her pencil box and broke it. When I questioned her, she said
that it pinched her finger and she was angry. I said that it was likely
an accident in which she should take some of the responsibility for since
she was the one who had closed it into her finger. It was not a good way
to display our anger, especially not in front of the students because she
did make a big scene over it. She began to cry because the box was
broken, but calm down quickly when we changed our activity. She also had
five minutes in from recess for not listening. She was more concerned
with her shoes and whether they were fastened perfectly and would not keep
her feet on the floor. Then she got up in the middle of class to pick all
the rocks out of them and refused to sit back down until she was finished.
We talked about the fact that there are better times to do things like
this and during instruction time is not one of them. The afternoon was
better before she left. Hope you have a better night.

Just a normal day in school for her. I think she will be buying her own new pencil box.


Yondalla said...

Poor thing.

She is sounding more and more like Frankie. Genuinely caught up in this things, unable to see that her actions are inappropriate or disruptive.

How odd it must be to live in her world, where it makes sense to distroy a pencil box because it pinched you and then feel miserable because the box is gone. I wonder if in either case she even understands her own responsibity.

She is reminding me of Frankie.

Mary said...

Any chance of getting a personal care attendant or teacher's aide for her at school?

Then she wouldn't be able to be as disruptive as she wants and is because someone would be able to redirect her in a quieter, non-classroom-involved way.

She reminds me of my 9-year-old at that age. The good news is she's grown out of that!