Wednesday, August 8, 2007

It's a good thing my sister doesn't live near me...

or I'm not sure what I would do to her. She is not due until Sept 27. With her other 2 kids she went 2 weeks early with both of them so we were/are shooting for Sept 15. Well she had a doc appt today and she is dilated to 1.5 already. She has been complaining of her back hurting and when we asked her if it was back labor - she said, "No, my back is just outta place. Well I don't believe that. I'm sure it's back labor that she's feeling. (NOt that I really would know but considering what the doc had to say - I'd bet my life on it). They wanted to put her in the hospital and she said NO! Is she crazy???? This is WAY TOO EARLY!!! Plus her 9 month old has a rash and can't go to daycare so she has her at home with her. I asked my mom where sis's hubby was and mom told me at work.....hmmmm maybe he should be home taking care of his wife and child! Afterall, they own the business. He's the boss....that place can run without him. He didn't have a problem being gone from it for his trip to Mexico, Florida, and Nashville so far this year. At least he'd be in the same town and only 5 mins away if there was an emergency and he needed to go back for just a bit. Doesn't she understand I would do anything to have her problem????Oh wait, if it was me, I would have let them put me in the hospital to stop labor. Some people!!!


Happy said...

I hear you! Nothing irritates me more than when people who are able to get pregnant fairly easily complain about physical ailments associated w/said pregnancy or do stupid things like smoke or drink while pregnant. I guess it's that they don't appreciate what they have and it bugs the hell out of me.

Heather said...

Hear, hear! These people frustrate me.

Julie said...

I hope things settle down for her before she HAS to go in the hospital- I mean really!!! :)